Sunday, 14 July 2013

Our Youngest Relayer's Adventures with the Hope Monks

A story from Joanne Brennan, our Survivor Chair this evening:

"I'm a big believer in fate, Que Sera Sera and things happening for reasons, so will just share this little story..... 

Earlier this afternoon my little girl whilst under the watchful eye of her dad (although I reckon he was watching the match more than his child) managed to get into the room where I have all my Relay stuff stored. She found the Jerpoint glass pebbles and monks and must have had a field day throwing them around the room cos she does love throwing things around, and it was only when she came out to me in the garden with a handful that I realised what was going on! 

Anyway, I managed to collect them all up, the lady in Jerpoint told me that they had done a few extra for is for free, so I reckoned that once I had collected and accounted for 260 then that was job done.  

I've just put Elaine to bed and tidied up her toys and found another little monk, only this one didn't have a happy face, it had a sad one like the Jerpoint worry monks, even though it was purple and in the box with all the others.  I've gone through them all and it is the only sad one in there.  It was like she had found that one and purposely taken him out and hid it to prevent a survivor picking it up on Saturday.  

Now a complete coincidence it might be, but I prefer to think of it as a little sign that what we are doing is meant to be done and it will be brilliant. 

G'Night, God Bless!"

We loved that story. At 18 months, Elaine is a true Relayer. Please sponsor our little quality control Relayer on her mission to make only happy monks in this world! She's not only keeping survivors from the sad monks but doing her own sponsored lap on Sunday!!

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