Saturday, 13 April 2013

Why I Relay... Veronica McCauliffe

Our Team Recruitment Chair posted this onto our Facebook page today, but it was such a thoughtful post that I wanted to share it here as well.

"Today I read a story unrelated to cancer but the tone and sentiment resonated with me. There was a dad in the US who’s 18 month old daughter died in a tragic car accident in his own drive way. He described the feeling as if someone had cut his toes off and all the life in his body ran out of him into a pool by his feet. I thought this is probably how it feels for someone who is told “you have cancer”. This feeling of hopelessness. So even though death causes some of us to lose hope once there is life each cancer survivor and each cancer patient must never have this feeling. So now I have added a new reason to Why I Relay. I Relay and will Relay in Kilkenny so that one day there is no further need for anyone to have this feeling. I will Relay for HOPE because we all need to carry a little bit of HOPE in our hearts." - Veronica

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