Tuesday, 23 April 2013


It was lovely to open the post today and find a cheque and a corporate sponsorship from Haddenham Healthcare in the UK.

They have sponsored us at the Platinum Level! Without support such as this, we'd never be able to put off an event of this size and for this, Haddenham Healthcare, we thank you.

Thank you so much Haddenham Healthcare!

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Why I Relay... Veronica McCauliffe

Our Team Recruitment Chair posted this onto our Facebook page today, but it was such a thoughtful post that I wanted to share it here as well.

"Today I read a story unrelated to cancer but the tone and sentiment resonated with me. There was a dad in the US who’s 18 month old daughter died in a tragic car accident in his own drive way. He described the feeling as if someone had cut his toes off and all the life in his body ran out of him into a pool by his feet. I thought this is probably how it feels for someone who is told “you have cancer”. This feeling of hopelessness. So even though death causes some of us to lose hope once there is life each cancer survivor and each cancer patient must never have this feeling. So now I have added a new reason to Why I Relay. I Relay and will Relay in Kilkenny so that one day there is no further need for anyone to have this feeling. I will Relay for HOPE because we all need to carry a little bit of HOPE in our hearts." - Veronica

Tuesday, 9 April 2013


We are delighted to announce that The Watershed, in Kilkenny has come on board as our first Corporate Sponsor. Even more delighted to announce that they are a Platinum Sponsor! Without the support of The Watershed and the incredible employees who have gone above and beyond the call of duty, we'd not have such an incredible facility for our first Relay.

Thank you The Watershed

Friday, 5 April 2013

April's Newsletter

Would you like to sign up for our mailing list? If so, you'll receive our monthly newsletters and updates. :o)

Also included with this newsletter is a Corporate Sponsorship Appeal letter. If you would like a copy of the newsletter, please email relaykkmedia@gmail.com and we'll send it along to you! 

Community Partnership Appeal

Sponsorship Appeal
Relay for Life is coming to Kilkenny for the first time ever in 2013 and we would like to invite your business to be part of this wonderful community event!
The Irish Cancer Society’s Relay for Life is an event that brings communities together to celebrate local cancer survivors, remember those who have passed away, and fight back against cancer by raising vital funds for research projects and community services. It is a unique, empowering and fun event in which everyone can participate and make a real difference for people living with cancer right now, and those who may be diagnosed in the future. A Survivors’ Lap of Honour opens every Relay for Life event worldwide, celebrating those who have fought the disease. At dusk, participants and community members pause to remember those who lost their battle in a very special Candle of Hope Ceremony. The Candle of Hope luminaries line the track all night and act as a reminder to participants of the courageous men, women and children who have battled cancer.
This is a large event, which takes place over 24 hours and involves hundreds of participants, guests and volunteers. Relay for Life Kilkenny is being planned by a volunteer organising committee, donating their experience, expertise and enthusiasm to help make this event a success. However, along with the thousands of volunteer hours, donations of goods and services will be essential. Community support and assistance is critical for the success of this great event!
We are offering local businesses the opportunity to become a partner with Relay for Life Kilkenny. We would love to know if your business would like to sponsor this event, either through donations in kind or financial contributions. It’s only through generous sponsorship that we’ll be able to host events such as a special Survivors’ Dinner and a Carers’ Tea as well as offset operational costs of the event. 
Please contact us and we'll send along a Sponsorship Form. 
Yours in the Relay Spirit,
Josephine Kelly, Chairperson
Email:              relayforlifekilkenny@gmail.com
Facebook:        RelayforLifeKilkenny
Twitter:            @relayforlkfekk
Blog:                www.relayforlifekk.blogspot.ie